Thursday, January 24, 2013

A thought

Psalm 37:3,4
Trust in the Lord and do good, then you will live in safety and prosper.

Delight in God, and he will give you your hearts desire.

What I note about these verses is God's amazing promise to us. All we have to do is trust in him, delight in him, put aside our own agenda. But, many people, including many Christians, want the promise,want to live safely and to prosper, but don't want to fully trust God or do good. They want the benefits of the promise without having to do their part.

If you will trust God and do good, he will give you everything you need and more.

Trust in the Lord and do good. It's not hard really, yet it will take everything we have. Love God with all your heart all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. This is what Jesus said is needed. Remember, He died and rose, so that in him, through faith in him,we are made right before God. What an amazing thing God has already done for us.

In response, as we determine that no matter what, we will love God with all we have, that no matter what, we will trust God in all things, that no matter what, we will do good, then God's promise is that he will prosper us. This is not necessarily material prosperity, but God does want us to proposer in all areas of life, in our familes and relationships, our work, our finances. He promises abundance for every good work (2 Cor 9:8-11).

The question is: Are we willing to trust God in all things at all times, and to do good wherever and whenever we can?