Christmas is a wonderful time of year. It's a time of gathering together with family, sharing around the giving and receiving of gifts and most importantly, celebrating God's great gift of Jesus.
However in the desire to make Christmas special it can become a time of year fraught with 'busyness' and overspending and stress. How as followers of Jesus can we ensure we don't get caught up in the commercialism of Christmas and forget what we are really celebrating.
Here's some thoughts.
1. Jesus is the reason
This can begin to sound like a slogan but when we remember the real reason we are celebrating - then we can keep our focus on God.
John 3:16
God loved us so much that he gave his only Son that whoever believes may have eternal life.
As we go about all the things we think we need to do think about how it fits into what God has done for us.
2. Presents are not everything
It's wonderful to receive gifts and it's even more wonderful to give gifts. However a material gift may not be the way to go.
Here's a couple of my thoughts.
Being present is more important than a present.
A gift of time - choosing to spend time with people is an important way we can give of ourselves that others will remember, sometimes more than any material gift we can give.
Give the gift of memories.
As we get older we don't really remember the majority of the gifts we are given. We remember the experiences of the people we were with.
What other ways can we give?
3. Do something for someone else
It's a time of year where a lot of things are happening but when we focus on others, who are not as well off as us, we give them a gift and teach our children that Christmas is about giving and loving and caring.
This could be anything
- Visit a nursing home
- Donate toys to a charity
- Bake a cake for a neighbour
- Buy flowers for a friend
- Random acts of kindness
There are plenty of other ideas. If you need an idea find out what others are doing. Pinterest is a great source of inspiration.
4. Some Practical tips
Only spend what you have. Our children do not need lots of things - choose to give them memories.
Buy presents throughout the year or layby and pay it off. Going into debt for Christmas is not helpful for you or the family
Make home made gifts instead, they are often more appreciated because of the personal touch.
Only eat till you are satisfied; you will feel better for it and stay healthier
Get enough sleep - if you can - go to bed earlier if you need to
Drink lots of water - too much sugar makes you sick and too much alcohol dehydrates so try to avoid excess
Find time to exercise - it is good for the body but also good for the soul. Our mental health is related to how much we exercise and what we eat.
5. Spend time with God
This is the most important thing we can do. Take time to be with God and spend quality time with him each day.
Isaiah 40:28-31 NLT
Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. [29] He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. [30] Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. [31] But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
We are not meant to do life separated from God. When we are tired and things are busy, go to him, give him the things that worry and tire us out and wait on him. He will renew and enable.
Some other ideas that can help:
Choose to think about what is good and right and lovely. Make a last of the good things and think on them.
Start a gratitude journal or a gratitude jar.
Do something you love - make time for if
Have a wonderful Christmas season.