Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Simple Prayer

Simple Prayer
Sometimes we think that we can't pray effectively or with the right words. But God encourages us to simply come to him and have a conversation with him. We don't need elaborate prayers, large words or brilliant language. Jesus encourages us to simply pray. See Matt 6 and Luke 11.

Father, you are good.
I need help.
Heal me and forgive me.
They need help.
Thank you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
- Via Max Lucado

"If prayer depends on how I pray, I’m sunk. But if the power of prayer depends on the One who hears the prayer, and if the One who hears the prayer is my Daddy, then I have hope." (Max Lucado)

Father you are good.

Spend time acknowledging who God is. His character and his majesty, his love, his grace.

Matt 6:9 Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven - what does God want done on earth? People saved and none persihing - understand that God is good and he wants the best for his people.

I need help - acknowledges that we all need God's input into our lives every single day.

We need his love

We need his grace

We need his healing - physical and emotional

We need his forgiveness

As we go about our daily lives this part of the prayer helps us to focus on our continual need for God - at home - at work - whatever we are doing we need God.

"Exactly what is it that you need forgiveness for? For being a bad person? That is too general. For losing your patience in the business meeting and calling your coworker a creep? There, you can confess that." - Lucado

Lucado again. "Confession, you see, is not a punishment for sin; it is an isolation of sin so it can be exposed and extracted."

Paul tells us to pray unceasingly. 1 Thess.  Acknowledging our constant need of him means we are in constant connection - either in conversation or in his presence - recognising that we are always in need of his presence in our lives.

As we are living day to day, God knows what we need and what we will face each day. We need him.

"Prayer can be the internal voice that directs the external action". - Lucado

They need you
Those who don't yet know him still have need of him

To know him

To know they are loved
To know that forgiveness and grace are freely available.

When we are with others we can pray -  Father, they need you.

Timothy was exhorted to make prayers for all people every where.

Paul's letters are filled with prayers for those already saved and also for prayer for opportunities to reach those who don't yet know the grace of God.

God is a good God and he hears our prayers. Jesus said to pray in his name - and our prayers would be answered.

We come to God by his grace and love and we can be confident God hears our prayers.