Saturday, December 9, 2017

Pay Attention

To all the amazing women I do life with, I'd like to share some thoughts. 

I read the following verse in my quiet time today and saw it in a slightly different light to how i I'd previously reflected on it. 

Galatians 6:4 NLT

Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.

We often focus on the "you won't need to compare yourself" part and this is valid. Comparison is negative and destructive and we do need to focus on what God has called us to do and not compare ourselves to others. 

But today when I read this I thought about "pay careful attention to your own work". As leaders we can fall into the trap of picking up the pieces for what others are meant to do. I'm sure we've  all done it. I know I have. 

The trouble is, when we pick up the pieces for others and take responsibility for what they are supposed to do we don't have satisfaction in our own work. Instead we become tired and frustrated because our time gets pressured by trying to do all the extra stuff. And this impacts everything we do and we miss focusing on and paying careful attention to what we are called to do. 

Sometimes we are tempted to pick up the pieces  because we want to save face or protect our people or organisation from criticism. We want to see things happen and get things done and we don't want to let people down. 

But in doing so we don't do anyone any favours. We end up losing out and so do our team because they don't learn to take responsibility for their own work, and ultimately they also lose the satisfaction of a job well done. Sometimes this means some things will not happen and that is disappointing, but people learn and grow from failure if we allow them to. 

Let's build a culture in our own lives that  builds relationships and loves and cares for people but that also focuses on doing what we're called to do. Let's model what it means to pay careful attention to our work and find satisfaction in that. And let's bring other's with us on the journey.


What has God called me to do and how am I paying careful attention to it? 

Where might I be picking up the pieces for others?

What would happen if I stopped picking up the pieces?

What conversations might I need to have?
