Monday, March 21, 2011


Sometimes life doesn't happen the way we expect it too, but one thing I have learnt over time is to try and keep things in perspective. When things seem difficult i try to remember that in actual fact i have it alot better than most people and that what happens to me in the scheme of world disasters is actually small in fact minuscule small.  Being cut off from home for a few hours, finding water in the house, etc is all small (nuisance yes, catastrophe no!!). I still have a roof over my head, my family and my friends. I have a God in heaven who loves me and a purpose on this earth to fulfill. So when it seems that it is "too much" I can lift my eyes, see God and gain perspective and realise that actually, all is well, and I can see my world and ask, what can i do to make a difference and then get out there and do it!.

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