Monday, October 31, 2011


I'm sitting in my office trying to concentrate on my work. This is not that easy at the moment as a small child is "helping" me. Not that I have any problem with that, he is adorable and I love him heaps. But it certainly makes the work environment interesting and I wonder how all those Mums who work from home manage it. At the moment my office is covered in yellow sticky notes, sultanas and various other "items of Interest" that catch an inquisutive almost two year old's eye. I am reminded that some-one recently said that a two year old is a scientist, they want to learn and to experiment. This is certainly true. There have been various experiments this morning, some more successful than others, and my desk makes a great hidey-hole to "disappear" into.

Still, its fascinating to see how many things a child can find to play with, and to grow and develop their imagination. I know that children learn so much in the first few years of their life. Who am I to interefere with that learning. My job is to love and encourage, guide, and direct and help this gorgeous boy grow into who he is meant to be, and I know that sooner or later his Mum will turn up, and "normalcy" will return to the office. My life will have been enriched and I will have hopefully enriched his.

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