These thoughts come from thinking about the influence we have on other people as we go about outpr daily lives. In Titus we read that the grace of God has been revealed bringing salvation for all people. Because of this opportunity of amazing grace we are to turn from godless living (living our own way) and live with self control, right conduct, wisdom and devotion to God. (Titus 2:11-12). As leaders we are to encourage others to live this way. It is therefore very important that we set the right example by our own conduct, as others are watching us. How we live makes a huge difference to the level of impact and leadership we will exercise for good in the lives of others.
In Titus there is a lot of teaching on how we are to live our lives before God and before others. I encourage everyone to read it and meditate on it. People will see and be affected by our behaviour. What type of impact and influence do we wish to leave as our legacy? Will it be one of destructive attitudes and behaviours or one of encouragement, love and grace. As a child, my Mum would say she always knew where I had been because of the trail of toys I dropped and left behind as I moved on. This trail of toys might be acceptable in a small child, but at some stage we have to grow up and learn to take responsibility for our life. Do people know where you have been in someone's life (good or bad)? What kind of legacy have you left?
I think about this in my own life. What kind of legacy am I leaving with others? What impact am I having in their lives? What is the impact of the way I speak, what I do and how I serve? When others follow me, are they always having to clean up the trail of mess I have left behind me, or are they enjoying the benefits of wise words, encouragement and service given with joy? I am challenged by this.
How do we treat those closest to us? What legacy are we leaving our children. I hope its a legacy of faith in God, of love for others and a hope for the future. The truth is that how we live today, the decisions we make today will be adding or subtracting from the legacy. How will it stack up?
I'm challenged by this because it means that each and every day, and every moment of every day, we need to be aware of our behaviour, what we are doing and saying, so that as best as we are able it reflects God in us. This means we must address the issues of our lives, and be prepared to grow and be challenged by others. We must be prepared to listen to other wise and godly people, taking care of who we allow to speak into our lives, so that at all times and in all places we are reflecting Jesus and becoming more and more like him; more and more like the people he created us to be.
This is as true for me as it is for anyone. Lets work together, loving and encouraging one another, so that each day we are becoming who God created us to be, living the way he wants us to live, and doing what he wants us to do. When we do this, we will set a good example for others to follow, and those that come after us will be able to live in a place of relationship, love and encouragement because we went before.
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