Friday, November 6, 2015

Citylife Women

Last week at WOW we had a discussion on what dreams we have for our lives and for our WOW community.

Dreams - natural dreams - can be weird and wonderful but God also gives us dreams. Dreams and vision for his purpose for us.

What does it mean to have a dream?

What do you see?

What is needed to build a dream into reality?

God also gives us a vision for our life. It can be really helpful to write it down.

In Habakkuk 2:1 God's vision was to be written down and carried to those who needed to hear it. His vision was all about what God was going to do in the earth.

Our vision is still concerned with what God is doing in the earth and in our lives. It will also relate to how we carry the gospel, the good news of Jesus to others wherever God places us. It is all related to helping others to know the grace of God and growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.

How are we doing this?

How does WOW help people know the grace of God and draw them into a community of women who are growing in the grace and knowledge of God?

What is my part in this and how can I do more of my part?

Some thoughts on how we can be a part of what God is doing.

1. Commitment
To the cause.  Placing a priority on building community together.

Choosing to build community even on the days we don't feel like it and when it seems hard to keep going.

Serving the vision, and working with God to being it about.

Living as a follower of Jesus. God helps us with this. In Phil 2:13 we see that God is at work in us helping us to do his will. He is the one who gives us the desire and the ability to live for him.

Having stickability.

2. Passion
A belief that what we are doing is what God has called us to do.

A passion for the work of God in the world and a passion to see people come to know the grace of God.

God's grace is freely available to all, but it takes people of passion to go into the world and help others to know and discover God's grace for themselves.

Passion to build a community of women that welcomes others into the community as they walk out the journey of faith in their life.

3. Confidence
In God
We place or confidence in God who enables us.

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

We are not alone. God enables us.

Eph 3:20 tells us that God is able to accomplish so much more than we could ask our think. More than we could imagine.

This is why dreams are so important. We need to have the dream and the vision - seeing what could be and believing that it will be. Eph 3:20

Then we apply commitment, passion and confidence in God to see it come to pass.

Concluding Thoughts

The vision has always been and continues to be for women to know God and grow in relationship with him in a caring community.

It is what we do together in community that will show people God's love. Jesus said that people will know we are his by our love for one another. John 13:34-35

To see the vision come to pass it is going to take people seeing and understanding the vision, loving each other and welcoming others into community.

It is going to take:
Passion and
Placing our total Confidence in God

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