Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Engaging in worship

Engaging in worship

'worth' ship - declaring God's worth, glory and grace

People will worship someone or something - it is a natural bias of our lives. In Romans 1:25 Paul writes how people have turned away from God choosing to worship the created rather than the creator.

Jesus came to bring reconciliation and restored relationship with God. Hebrews tells us that in Christ's death, the shedding of blood has enabled us to live in freedom and to worship our Creator in freedom. Hebrews 9:14

Here are some thoughts on engaging with worship.

1. Develop an attitude of worship

David was open to God and was not afraid of what others thought of him. He had a worshiping heart. Our heart attitude will affect our worship and our ability to engage with God.

Jesus says in John 4:22-23 that we worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Individual worship and corporate worship that is genuine, comes from the heart, seeks truth and is honouring to God is how Jesus tells us to worship.

Worship is also giving all we have, to honour him, and to be devoted to him. Romans 12:1.

Acts 2:46 They devoted themselves to worship at the temple, worshipping together. Worship was a corporate response as well as an individual response.

Acts 13:2 - Worshipping and fasting allowed the followers of Jesus to have openness to the Holy Spirit and hear his direction for their lives.

When we develop the same attitude we place ourselves in a position to do what God is asking and to live in obedience.

2. Develop an  attitude of thankfulness Thanking God for what he has done.

Eph 5:15-20; Col 3:16-17

As we read these verses we see that God is interested in us developing thankfulness and living in a state of gratitude. Gratitude is good for us. It takes our mind off what we don't have and focuses it onto what we do have and what is already working.

Bringing an open heart to God in thankfulness for what he has done is an act of worship.

What am I grateful for?

How does gratitude towards God and the things in our life affect how we think and feel?

Phil 4:6-7 encourages us to be joyful, be thankful for what God has already done and to think about what is right and good.

A personal gratitude diary is one way of focusing ourselves in the right direction.


1. In small groups - look at Psalm 65; 100;103

Things to look out for:

What is the reason for the writing of this psalm.? (Some background on the psalm.)

How does the writer of the psalm express his worship and his gratitude to God?

2. Building a "gratefulness/gratitude" list.

What am I grateful for today?

What are you thankful for?

How could you express your gratitude and thanks?

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