Vision Part 3
Over the last few weeks we have looked at various aspects of vision such as who we are, (Confident, passionate and committed) what the vision for Citylife Women is, the mind shifts we need to make to continue to reach out to others by being a friend, telling an friend and bringing a friend. Our Biblical mandate is to preach the gospel, share the good news and reach out into our communities.
We have also discussed what it means to Dream Big. What are the dreams that you have, God's dream for us and how's our relationship with God going? What's working, what's not? What changes would we like to make?
This week we are discussing: I am able, because God is able.
What are we able to do?
than we could ever ask, dream, or think of. God's dream for us is big, but not
beyond us because God is able.What ever God has called us to, we are able
because God enables us by working in us and through us.
1. God is able
Now glory be to God ! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare ask or hope.
Now glory be to God ! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare ask or hope.
We are familiar with this verse, God is able, it is by his mighty power at work within us. It is not of ourselves, it is not relying on us, rather it is God's work within us. It is God's power, his Spirit at work in us, that enables us. As we embark on this year, its important to remember that its not by striving, but by relying on God's work within us, and within others, that accomplishes his purpose.
Eph 3:20 is clear. It means that God, by virtue of who he is, by his ability, by his power, inherent in his nature, is capable. He is the author, the one who carries it out, supremely, further, more than enough, able to do so much more than we could beg for, ask for, desire, request for oneself, perceive with the mind, have understanding of or consider, and it his his working in us, his display and activity in us.
In other words, whatever we could think up, what ever we could ask for, perceive or consider, God is able to do, within us and through us.
The question is do we believe this, and are we willing to step out in faith, knowing this, and putting this into effect in our lives?
This is about right thought patterns, changing how we think, not allowing circumstances to dictate to us what we believe about God and who he is.
How does your thinking hinder God's work in you?
In Judges 6 we read about Gideon. At first he did not have right thinking, he was being dictated to by circumstance. He considered himself the lowest of the low, yet God came and declared him a mighty man of valour. God knew who he really was, but Gideon had to change his thinking about who he was. When he learned that God was able, when he learned that it was God's purpose that was important, when he changed his thinking, then God, at work did more than what Gideon could ever have imagined.
We have something Gideon didn't have, God's power at work in us as well as for us.
Phil 2:13
For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him.
God is acting in us, so we can effect his work in us by doing his will. In us, God is the operative, to effect and to display his activity. God is at work, helping us to have his purpose in mind. God is at work in us, not just so that we would have it in mind, and intend to, but God gives us the ability to carry it out. God is acting in us, so we can effect his work in us, by doing his will.
2. I am able
Phil 4:13
For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need.
When I looked at this verse in more detail, I discovered something very interesting. The word "do", means to be strong ( in body and power, robust) but it can also mean, to have power (as shown by extraordinary deeds) to be a force, to be able. In other words, whatever we are called to do, we can do it, not just because God is able, but because in Christ, I am able. I have power, but it is Christ's power within me.Christ endues us with his strength; we receive strength from Christ and we are strengthened in him. Therefore I am able, because God is at work within me, God strengthens me, and works within me so that I am able to do his will.
Phil 2:12
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. KJV
Dearest friends, you were always so careful to follow my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away you must be even more careful to put into action God's saving work in your lives,, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. NLT
I'm interested in this verse because we know that God's saving work is in Christ. So what does this verse actually mean? I believe it means that we are to apply God's saving grace to our own lives. The word "trembling" has the meaning of "one who distrusts his own ability completely to meet all requirements, but religiously does his utmost to fulfil his duty". What Paul is saying is: do your best to live the right way, fulfilling God's call and purpose, knowing that you don't rely on your own ability but on God and his ability to make you able.
We are not duty driven, we trust Christ to fulfil all requirements for righteousness, but we do our best to live the right way, and are desirous to live the right way. For Paul, this meant putting his past and everything related to it behind him, and to live totally in God's grace, serving God's purpose and not his own.
Phil 3:12b-14
But I keep working towards that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be. No dear brothers and sisters, I am not all that I should be, but I am focussing all my energies on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.....
Earlier, Paul says he no longer counts on his own goodness. He was no longer relying on his credentials, his abilities, but on God's grace and strength. He understood that when he did this, he himself was able to do all that God called him to. He was able, because God is able and enabled him. So often we focus our energies on the wrong thing. We focus on the past, the hurts, pain, successes and failures, our abilities and the circumstances around us. Instead we are to focus on the future; we are to look ahead, focussing all our energies on forgetting the past, not relying on self, but on God, and looking forward to what is ahead; looking to the future, and to God's plans and purposes for us.
Are we relying on our own strength, or on God's strength working in us?
What do you need to put behind you? What is God asking you to let go of, once and for all?
What is he asking you to press on towards?
When we live this way, when we apply God's love and grace to our lives, then we are able to do what we are called to do. We understand that in Christ we are able.
Therefore I am able because God is able.
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