Some quick thoughts to finish up our series on vision.
1. Seek God's vision for your life
I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future. (Jer 29:11)
Even if you feel like you're in a bad place, God has a vision for your life and a purpose for you.
Matt 6:33 Seek first the kingdom.
When we seek God's kingdom, when we seek what matters to him, he will not only give us everything we need but he will also enable us to fulfil it.
Remember: I am able because God is able.
What is God's vision for your life?
What is hindering you at the moment? (Are you the hindrance, selling yourself short?)
Look beyond the shortcomings to the possibilities.
2. Be passionate
When we are passionate about something we are more likely to keep going and to keep moving towards the fulfilment of the vision! Jesus is passionate for us, and for his bride the church. Think about the things that move you in some way, chances are that God has placed a passion in your heart to see change brought into those areas.
When we are doing something, if we are passionate, we will keep going, we will learn more and we will do more!
David was passionate about building a place of worship for God. God told him his son would build it, so David directed his passion into preparing for building, for gathering material. (2 Samuel 7:4-16 1 Chronicles 22:2-17). David set aside a huge amount of his own wealth, to ensure that the vision could be completed.
What are you passionate about?
What can you do today to start laying a foundation for doing something in that area?
People will get on board with your vision when you are passionate about your vision and what God is doing.
Who shares your passion?
Who have you shared your passion with?
These people will help to achieve the vision.
3. Vision is always greater than the one
Vision always requires others to fulfil it. We are never alone. Even if we have a vision for a new kitchen - it requires a team of people to make it happen, with each having a part to play. It is the same for us in our lives, our work, our ministry. Whatever your vision for yourself, your family, your relationships, your community, it takes people to be involved, it requires others to help us get there.
David collected material for the temple, Solomon had it built, but he had a huge team of people to help make David's vision a reality. (1 Kings 5:1-17; 6:1)
In fact, if we try to do it alone, we will not achieve our vision as effectively as working together. I'm not expecting I'll need 30,000 people just yet, but may be the vision for a business that you have may start with several people and employ large numbers of people in the future.
Who are we doing life with?
Who are the key people we need in our lives to fulfil our God given vision?
4. Vision crosses the generations
If our vision is only big enough for our own lifetime, it is too small.
I believe that God gives vision that extends through the generations. His blessing are for thousands of descendants. When Solomon built the temple, he was building on what had already been achieved. When he died, many generations that followed used the temple to fulfil the vision of a place to worship God. They may not be physical descendants but they will be people who come after us, who we have passed the baton on to.
Who are you relating to that is older than you, younger than you?
Who will you pass the baton too?
Who are your descendants?
Who are you sharing vision with that can run after you?
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