Friday, April 22, 2016

Body Soul Spirit - Introduction

Prepare to really connect with God, listen for his voice and develop an holistic approach to 'Body Soul and Spirit'

1. Worship - Take time to prepare and ready ourselves to connect with God through worship.

Let go of all that is on our agenda and focus on God and who God is.

Take time to relax in God's presence and focus on the words of the songs as we share our worship together (or if you are at home, take time to quieten your spirit before God and connect with him through music or whatever works for you.)

2. Looking after the body, soul and spirit

a) Looking after ourselves as an act of worship to God, benefit to ourselves and a witness to others

Romans 12:1-2

Our physical and mental health is important to God.

1 Cor 3:16 together we are God's temple and he asks us to look after it.

1 Cor 6:19-20 Context is integrity in our sexualising lives but the important truth is that our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and we are to honour God with our bodies.

Colossians 3:23 work always as working for the Lord.

What areas of my physical life are not in line with God's word?

Am I willing to make the necessary changes to my life to build disciplines in these areas ?

Willingness is important. If we are not willing to change we will not make progress over the long term and may become resentful.

There is a sense of building spiritual and physical disciplines into our lives, but to do so, willingness is necessary.

3 John - I pray that you are propspering even as your soul prospers

b) Caring for ourselves so we can care for others

Keeping a healthy soul

Discipleship is bringing others with us on the journey.

When we care for ourselves, we  are better able to care for others.

3. Boundaries

Maintaining healthy boundaries

Know what we are responsible for.

There is a difference between responsible for and responsible towards.

Galatians 6:2,4-5

I'm responsible for my own thoughts feelings actions etc

I'm not responsible for the thoughts feelings and actions of others whatever they may say .

Try to say "I feel..." rather than "You made me..."

Think about your own life

What areas of your life would you like to start working on?


How will you begin and what accountability will you place in your life to keep yourself on track.

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