Monday, April 4, 2016

Jabez: Some thoughts

Prayer of Jabez. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Jabez was an honourable person. He had good character and lived with integrity.

If we are to have a positive influence, to lead others, to experience increase, then our character and our motives are important. Good character is more important than gifting and talents. Producing good character is about integrity, and becoming more like Jesus every day.

Note that Jabez was honourable and his motive was therefore right when he prayed these words. Notice too, that out of this whole list of people, he was the one who prayed. When others are just going about their lives, he chose to take time to talk to God and to seek God.

He starts by asking for blessing and increase. I wonder if because he had a name that meant pain, he wanted to make sure his life was not defined by pain, but in the truth of God's desire to bless his people. Because he was honourable and because his request was granted we can probably assume that he's asking with right motives.

He understood that blessing was not for himself but others. God says we will have seed for sowing and bread for food (Isaiah 55).  Being blessed, being given an abundance of blessing is the same. The blessing is given to us for what we need, and the abundance is for others, that they too may be blessed. God speaks about the whole world being blessed through Abraham and Jabez takes hold of the blessing offered to God's people.

What areas of life is God wanting to bless that you've maybe closed off to him through attitudes and behaviours that stifle God's blessing?

Jabez goes on to pray for expanded territory. More territory is more blessing to bless others, but it's also more influence and more responsibility. More influence over other people and situations, more responsibility to watch over what God has given and to use it well.

Jesus told the parable of three servants who were given influence and responsibilities over the master's belongings. Two used it well and brought increase, one hid it away and then lost it to the others. When we take hold of the responsibility God brings increase. Increased territory brings increased influence and increased responsibility. Unless we are prepared to take on the responsibility of influence we will lose it.

In what areas of life has God called us to be influencers?

We are called according to his purpose and according to his call on our lives.

Where has God placed you in this time and in this season to influence others?

We often think in terms of future influence. While ever we are thinking this way we will miss opportunities to influence those whom God has given us right now. We say things like 'If only I was...' or 'If only this would happen then I'd have more influence'. But God calls us to be influencers where we are now, and in this season of our lives.

Who is God asking you to draw alongside and to influence by your life, character, behaviour, words and actions?

Jabez asked that God would be with him in all that he does. He understood that he needed the presence of God in his life if he was to accomplish whatever God placed before him. We need the presence of God. We have the promised Holy Spirit, (John 14, Acts 1,2) and he is our guide and our counsellor. Jesus promised that as we went in his authority he would be with us (Matt 28), by his Spirit; given to us as a teacher, a guide and a counsellor so that we would know where to go, what to do, how to do it and what to say.

How well are we allowing the Spirit to guide our daily life?

Jabez wanted to be a blessing; he needed God's hand in all things so that he would not cause difficulties for others. He knew he had been birthed in pain but he saw no reason why that should define his life or the lives of others, (some translations say 'that I may not cause pain'). He had a desire to be a blessing; to live in a way that did not cause pain and difficulties either for himself or for others.

Sometimes we cause ourselves pain and difficulty because we are not listening to the guiding and leading of the Spirit, and we make choices in life that are not helpful. Sometimes our actions cause pain and difficulties for other people because we are allowing self to manifest rather than the good of others. Jabez understood this and asked God to be with him, to keep him from the thoughts, attitudes and behaviours that would cause him and others trouble.

What thoughts, attitudes and behaviours do we have that cause us or others pain or trouble?

How can we allow God to deal with them? Let him challenge your thoughts and attitudes to bring change.

Jabez' prayer was answered. Because Jabez was honourable, and because he sought God with right motives, his prayer was answered.  This means that God did bless him so he could be a blessing. God actually gave him increased territory, and his presence was with Jabez throughout his life. We are never told how God did this, just that his prayer was answered.

James writes that we have not, because we ask not, and when we ask we ask with wrong motives, to try and get what we don't have. Jabez received what he asked for because he was honourable in his approach to life and he asked with right motives.

Bring your life before God; come with the right attitude, and ask God for his blessing and increase so that those around us will experience God, and his blessing on their lives.

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